Sunday, July 17, 2011

TurboFire & The Beachbody Challenge

I am soo excited and nervous to start doing the Turbofire program tomorrow! I will keep you all posted and updated on my progress. I have a feeling that this is going to be life changing for me. 
August 1st I have entered into The Beachbody Challenge which as a grand prize the winner receives  $100,000! I WANNA WIN! I was able to place 2nd in my company Biggest Loser Challenge which was 4 months long. This competiton started with about a 100 people and by the end of the challenge it was between me and another woman. she lost 70 lbs in that short amount of time which blew my 30 lbs out of the water. I am ready for the challenge!! Bring it on!!! I know with using Shakeology , Turbofire & P90X i will have amazing results! I can't wait to start posting & sharing my results with all of you!!! Please contact me if you are interested in The Beachbody Challenge for more details!!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Motivation is- 1.The reason for an action. 2 what gives purpose & direction to behavior.  Basically motivation is what drives you to behave or take a particular action. This is your why.

    I want to share my motivation. What my motivation boils down to is that I NEVER want to be as heavy as I was. I have horrible habits that are hard to break with my eating and partying. I have always lived life with a gusto & done exactly what I’ve wanted to. This landed me fat and unhappy.  I got to the point where I was uncomfortable in my own skin. Clothes never fit right and they kept getting smaller and smaller as I continued to grow in sizes. I am the kind of person that when I get my mind set on something I will get it or I will do it. Once I started that Biggest Loser Challenge and saw how the weight was coming off and it wasn’t like I had to be SUPER strict with my diet & or a crazed gym rat. It took just making healthy eating decisions and portion control.  I stopped making excuses.  People always asked “how do you do it?” I think they are disappointed when I tell them sensible eating & working out five to six times a week.  I wish weight loss was as simple as a little pill or a magic wand!  One situation in particular sticks out in my mind. I was with two women who have known me for a long time. One asked me “what was your breaking point?” I had to think of it because there should have been soooooooo many things that  should have brought me to that breaking point such as being 230 lbs or getting diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic. In reality the only reason I started working out and “dieting” was for a competition. I am super competitive!! I wanted to WIN! I wanted to prove that I could do it.  Overall being uncomfortable in your own skin is a horrible feeling & no one should feel that way. Its like you know who you are on the inside and your outward appearance doesn’t match. It been a long bumpy trip so far & I am not even half way to where I want to be.  That is why I wanted the name of my blog to be a work in progress. Cuz that’s what I am.. A work in Progress! 

The photo above shows where I began at 230 lbs September 2008 and the after pix was taken of me in March 2010 at 178 lbs.      

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


    Everyone wants to be fit, in shape and skinny.  Somewhere in the craziness of my busy life, work, school, family and friends my healthy lifestyle got lost.  I have never been a “skinny” girl and have struggled with weight since I was a teenager. 
    When I was about 13-14 I went through a major depression when my parents got  separated then eventually divorced. I would go to school and eat junk I would get excuse notes for my P.E. class and after school I would come home and gorge myself then sleep until dinner.  I would wake up for dinner and gorge on dinner, watch t.v. then go to sleep. This continued for about a year.
    My weight skyrocketed. I went from a size 3/4  to a 19/20 in about a years time. I got horrible stretch marks from all the sudden weight gain. By my freshman year I was the largest I have ever been in my life.  I started doing aerobics and by my senior year I was in better shape. I graduated at a size 13/14.  After high school my workouts continued but I was partying and not living very healthy. I eventually went through another depression when I was 20 years old and guess what there was my size 20’s again.  I lost some but I was large.
    When I was about 21 close to 22 I started dating a guy who was a food lover. He loved cooking and eating. My weight skyrocketed. At my largest I was 230.
    At this point I was told by my doctor that I was pre-diabetes and that I had thyroid disease.  The doctor advised me that I would need to start taking medication, change my diet, and start exercising. If the weight didn’t come off I would be a type 2 diabetic.  I started taking the medications and exercising a couple times a month.  Needless to say I didn’t lose much weight.
    I went through a break-up and used the gym as a distraction.  I lost a little more weight, but when I went back to the doctor the following year I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and had to go see a diabetes nutritionist.  She went over how my diet needs to be different than what a regular person who is trying to lose weight needs to be.  Shortly after this doctor visit one of my co-workers asked me to join a “Biggest Loser Challenge” that was being hosted at my workplace.  I told her I would do it to support her.  At the first weigh in I was all ready 10 pounds down from my last doctors visit the month prior. I weighed in at 218.  I had the support of my friends and as the weekly weigh in came I was losing more and more weight. A few pounds a week was amazing! I was actually in the running to win the competition.  It was three months long and it came down to me and another woman. She lost 70 pounds. I had lost 30! They went off body fat percentage and she won by only a few points.  I was so proud of myself and the compliments were amazing I was down to 178 pounds! 
    Due to the change in my diet and the dramatic weight loss I developed gallbladder disease and ended up in the ER. I had to get my gallbladder removed and need a month or so to recover. This is where my exercising was put on pause.     Needless to say I never pushed play again fully and the weight has slowly crept back on. I am ready to change my lifestyle and keep the weight off for good.  Beachbody is a great program and the support system is incredible. I know I can do great things through this program.